Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Water Pics...

The second is near Staffa, one of the neighboring islands. The first is near Camas, our sister-center on Mull (the large island next door). Disclaimer -- I just got my camera up and working, so these pictures are ones I took 4 years ago. The next assignment I'll use current photos... =)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Macabre assignement # 2

While we are waiting for Mummy's picture to be posted...and maybe StarPilgrim's (?), can I throw out an idea for the next set of pics?

Since this looked WAAAAYYYYY too hard, though it did sound cool, can we take pictures of: HEADSTONES!! Any headstone in a graveyard/cemetary will do. Props to whoever is brave enough to get a picture at night!!

Morbid maybe? Macabre perhaps...I just read about Stephen King's newly released book and the idea just struck me!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

There are two candidates. The first, is only "unique" because it shows a puddle in Times Square in the rain. This is not an ordinary puddle, it's the one the subsequently doused me after not one, but two taxis in a row drenched me. 

The second, is not technically unique, but in the City, leaves are a rarity. They've gone from Green to Yellow, to the Ground. Here they are floating in water on the side of a street.

I'll do better next time.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dew drops

What I find love about photos is that you can't hide anything from the camera. We have a light in the kitchen that has three bulbs and if you click on the photo and look, most of the waterdroplets have the three lights reflected in them... Some have two sets if the light reflects twice and others have a sliding perspective of the light.

Monday, November 10, 2008

this ain't the real thing

No, this is not Crystal Clear Pepsi, for those of you who still remember that.
Sorry, this is late. I couldn't think of what to take a picture of.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Splatters on the Kitchen Counter"

I guess I'll start with my attempt, although I'm not even sure I like it that much. :-P I call it "Through the Nalgene Bottle." 

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Assignment #1

Be creative, be unique, I want to see water, but in liquid form. Think outside the box to take your picture(s) from an unusual angle or capture it in an unusual perspective. For this assignment, you must take this picture after you see this post, it cannot be one you have taken in the past... Please title your submission! *Click*

Saturday, November 1, 2008

a little splash of paint, maybe some snappy wallpaper...

Wow, it's so big and empty in here!
And echo-y...
Well, soon we'll have this place all spruced up and full of fun pictures!
Anybody else I forgot to invite?  Know anybody else who wants to join?

OK, then.  Here are the guidelines I thought of and I guess we can start with them.  They'll be here on this first post if we ever want to check them out again (but we can always change them or get rid of them whenever we want):
  1. A different member chooses an assignment each week.
  2. Each person can contribute up to three photos per assignment.
  3. No photos of exclusively 2-D artwork (in other words, all compositions must be your own and nobody else's, and you can't take a picture of somebody else's painting or photograph, etc.)
If everybody's ready, we can start anytime.  Tizzy, you sounded like you had an idea for an assignment, so post it on up and tell us what to take pictures of!